Dec 22, 2008

Christmas Tradions...Weight Loss

I've decided that I need to start a new Christmas tradition. The new tradition needs to be Christmas Weight Loss. I need to devise a plan to enjoy all the wonderful, yet high calorie, treats without worring about adding five or more pounds over Christmas.

We did Christmas at my inlaw's house yesterday. I think I did good over all but there was monkey bread and I love monkey bread.

So far today has been good with only my shake for breakfast and for lunch. Hopefully dinner will be easy to get through and I'll try and hold off on major snacking. I think Christmas day will be easier this year because it will be just me and my immediate family. We're not going anywhere and no one is coming to visit. My guess is I'll spend time playing with the kids outside and inside with their new toys and gadgets.

I'm hoping that playing with the kids will keep my mind off of eating Christmas goodies.

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