Jan 2, 2009

A New Year's Weight Loss

I started 2009 out on the right foot (or should I say, 'The Right Weight'?) I weighed 262 on New Years Day. Which is good considering I ate a little too much New Year's Eve.

I really feel as if I'm ready for another weight loss to start 2009. I began my original weight loss efforts (serious efforts) on December 18th 2006. I was able to go from 320 to 262 in about a year and a half. Since then I have gained up to 270 and at one time was 255. I settled in between 265-270. I want to next settle in between 240 and 250. The main thing is being below 250 and holding below 250.

So I started New Year's Day with a shake for breakfast and lunch and I'm doing the same thing today and tomorrow. I plan to keep with my plan and be stricter on myself than I was during 2008. I will eat a normal meal (at least not shakes) for dinner and continue to cut back on most if not all snacking.

I will relax those efforts on Sundays, as I did in the past, and try and get a little more workouts in. While I don't have a gym or a club to go to, I will try and do more walking and being more active. With three wonderful boys, the keep active should be something I can do.