Jun 23, 2010

Turning it down

This morning's weigh in was 274.2.

If you read the comment on the previous post, my friend has talked about her weight issues. I agree, maintaining is the hard part.

I kept a consistent weight for most of my 20's. When I married at 31, I started playing less golf (I walked the course several times a week) and started eating more (I married a Southern girl who knows how to cook) which lead to weight gain. I don't blame anyone but myself.

When I was single my diet may not have been as healthy as it could've been but it wasn't high in calories and I was more active.

I've been working on being more active again. I'm back to playing disc golf regularly and work out on the Wii Fit Plus Balance Board a couple of times a week. I've also started hiking some.

I sometimes think people work against those of us that are over weight. Offering food and trying to convince us to try things or eat things we turn down when first offered.

Anyway...here's to good health, healthy weight loss and maintenance ease when goals are reached.

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