May 15, 2010

One week in

It's been more than one week since I began this program with the gorging a week ago Friday and a full week since I began the limited diet last Sunday. Last Sunday I weighed in at 297.8. This morning I weighed in at 285.6. That's the weight I've lost since last Sunday. Thirteen pounds in a week.

I don't feel hungry. I don't crave food. I'm more aware (I used to think this way in the past) that eating is more related to moods that actual hunger.

I'm continuing with Wii Fitness Plus Balance Board workouts 5 times a week and playing Disc Golf as often as I can. I now believe that at the three week mark I'll below 270 and if I go the full 6 weeks maximum you can do this program, I'll be below 250. 250lbs is the lowest I've weighed in since I was in my mid 20s and playing Disc Golf seven days a week.

I hope it doesn't get too expensive buying new clothes...but it should be fun!

1 comment:

Kara Phillips said...

Good for you Adam! I will be interested to hear how this goes for you. I will also check it out myself. We'll see if I can get myself to do something too. It would sure be good for me!